FAQ - PIP Questions and Answers

Common questions we get asked about PIP and the answers

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Q: Is PIP means tested?

No. It is not affected by savings or earnings.

Q: What age can I claim PIP?

From 16 to pensionable age.

Q: Can I work and claim PIP at the same time?

Yes but the work you do must not conflict with the reasons you get PIP. For example it would be wrong to claim for issues preparing a meal but to work as a chef.

Q: Can I get a Blue Badge with PIP?

Yes if you receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you can’t walk more than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more under the ‘moving around’ activity of the mobility component) or you receive the mobility component of PIP and have obtained 10 points specifically for descriptor E under the ‘planning and following journeys’ activity, on the grounds that you are unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming psychological distress.

If you have any score other than 10 points under descriptor E, in the ‘planning and following journeys’ activity of PIP you may still be eligible for a Blue Badge, but you do not automatically qualify. This includes if you have a higher score of 12. You will have to provide evidence to demonstrate your eligibility which will be assessed as part of your application.

Q: Can I get a mobility car?

Yes, if you are in receipt of the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of PIP you are eligible to lease a vehicle on the Motability Scheme.

Q: Can I get help with road tax?

You can apply for exemption from paying vehicle tax if you get the enhanced rate mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP). The vehicle must be registered in the disabled person’s name or their nominated driver’s name. It must only be used for the disabled person’s personal needs. It cannot be used by the nominated driver for their own personal use. You can only have one vehicle tax exemption at any one time.

You can get a 50% reduction in vehicle tax if you get the PIP standard rate mobility component. Again, the vehicle should be registered in the disabled person’s name or their nominated driver’s name.

Q: I’ve too much in savings, can I claim PIP?

PIP is not means tested so you can claim it even if you are a millionaire.

Q: I’m too old, does PIP stop when I become a pensioner?

You have to claim before you reach pensionable age. It does not stop once you reach this age unless the award is reviewed and removed.

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