Got a question about
Attendance Allowance?

Get advice based on your personal circumstances.

We provide a free question and answer service with our benefits experts.

  • Professional help
  • Independent legal advice given
  • Consult our experts absolutely free
little orange triangle

Ask us about:

  • How do I claim Attendance Allowance?
  • Am I eligible for Attendance Allowance?
  • How can I appeal an Attendance Allowance refusal?
  • Can I continue to work and claim Attendance Allowance?

Ask our professional legal team your question today for free.

Our independent consultation is provided free of charge.

Ask the experts about Attendance Allowance...

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Independent, impartial advice

We offer a free question and answer service to UK residents experiencing difficulties with benefits.

Our legal experts ensure that your benefits problems are dealt with professionalism and efficiency. No jargon, just accurate, straightforward advice tailored to you and your circumstances.

We are unique and receive no funding or support from the government, any local authority, grant-making trust or large company. This means that our advice is totally independent and is otherwise unobtainable from the Department for Work and Pensions.

Unsure if you could claim benefits?

Find out if you could be claiming benefits, read more about DLA, PIP, ESA and Attendance Allowance eligibility here:

DLAa nice little triangle in a lovely shade of cream PIPa nice little triangle in a lovely shade of cream ESAa nice little triangle in a lovely shade of cream Attendance Allowancea nice little triangle in a lovely shade of cream
benefits advisor chatting to two benefit claimants

4.7 / 5-star rating for Benefit Answers

We asked our customers to rate us out of five in an independent survey.

New benefits claims

Confused by the complex application form?

We assist with thousands of benefits claims every year. We can help you present your claim in the best light for the highest chance of success.

Get independent legal advice from our team to assist with your claim paperwork. The DWP do not provide this help.

Get help with DLA Get help with PIP Get help with Attendance Allowance

Reconsiderations & Appeals

Refused a new or existing benefits claim?

Our legal experts have the experience and knowledge of the benefits system to successfully handle reconsiderations and appeals.

We aim to win back the benefits you are entitled to in a tribunal hearing.

Legal advice on benefits is not available from the DWP.

Get help with an appeal

All of our advice is free at the point of contact.

Our experienced benefits speicalists are happy to help and are independent and impartial. Our advice and consulsation is free of charge.

Find out more about how we work here.

Some kind words

from our customers

Thank you for all your help over the last few years. In the end, it is a good result and much appreciated.


Thank you so much for your help. You are a lifeline to people like me. God bless you.


Complicated forms are so difficult when you are struggling health-wise. You take away all the stress. We would not know what to do without you.

Julie from Wigan

Thank all of you for your help, support, and understanding in winning both my cases for DLA and ESA. What would we have done without you!


Just to say a big "thank you"  to you all for helping me get my ESA. Its a big weight off my mind to have the massive help and expertise from you. You're the 4th emergency service! Thank you once again.


Thank you, you are doing a marvellous job, could not have done it without you. Money well spent. Keep up the good work, and take over the DWP!


Mr Smith, review:

I applied for attendance allowance, but my initial request was turned down with minimal explanation. Frustrated, I reached out to Benefit Answers who promptly took up my case, and the results have left me astounded.

Within weeks of Benefit Answers resubmitting my application, I received a phone call from a DWP officer. He explained that if he had reviewed my original request, he might have awarded me a lower amount. However, after reading the new claim submitted by Benefit Answers, he decided to grant me the full amount for both day and night attendance, with backdating.

I am immensely grateful to Benefit Answers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. A simple ‘thank you’ hardly seems sufficient, but THANK YOU.

Sadia, review:

Throughout my PIP and UC support, I was supported by Joanne. She kept me updated about my claims and was helpful whenever I need any support at any time. I don’t think my claims would have been successful without her listening to and doing all the work for me.